You have 34 days and the chance to really get serious about tackling your diet and look your best for New Years Eve.
At the beginning of the year, most of us start out with great motivation for the goals, dreams, hopes and plans we have for the coming year. Whether it is losing ten pounds, nixing sugar, quitting smoking or exercising more, most New Years resolutions are focused on becoming healthier.
Then, before you know it, the year has come to a close and those well-intentioned resolutions you made on January 1st fizzled out before Valentine’s Day.
So what if you didn't lose the weight or start the exercise program or follow that healthy eating program for the past 365 days?
It’s not too late.
From my experience I can tell you that most of the work on A project gets done during the last 20 percent of the time set. It's the power of the deadline. Which I’ve mastered this one… my husband would say☺ I’m really good at this!
That’s right.
The power of the deadline is a tremendous motivating factor in finally getting the project signed, sealed and delivered.
So, set yourself a new deadline - December 31, 2008- and get rolling- don’t make the mistake waiting for January 1st to plan for you New Year resolution: You can do this NOW.
Rather than looking back on 2008 as a year in which your resolutions came and went unfulfilled, I have a program that you can start today that will end this year for you on a high note.
This past October, I hosted an online class called Super Cleanse! Detox Your Body for Health and Beauty based on my new 7-day Sugar-Free Diet.
I am pleased to say that most of the people who enrolled in this challenging but rewarding course were more than pleased with the results.
Here is a snapshot of some of the success stories from the course: Click Here
The beauty of this program is that you can use it anytime of the year! You don’t have to wait until January 1st. In fact, if you’re New Years resolution last year was to get in shape, you still have over a month left to fulfill this promise!
Check it out! Here’s the link to buy your ticket to a Better You. Today.